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Poster, PPT and Video Competition

SETGYC has organised a motivational competition for our students and postdoctoral fellows to submit a video, PPT or poster about gene and cell therapy.

  • Entries could be focussed on either explaining gene and/or cell therapy to the general public, or a more detailed outline of your specific area of expertise (e.g. CrispR, CART, cell therapy, stem cells, vectors, etc...). 

  • A scientific committee, nominated by the SETGYC board, has reviewed these entries and we can now announce our winner and feature all the entries which have been awarded a prize

Congratulations to our winner

Alvaro Morales, ISCIII, Madrid - Winning with a video called Celyvir: Células y virus contra el cáncer 

Second prize 

Laura Torella, CIMA, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona - with a video called Is liver gene therapy just a dream 

Third prize 

Marina López, IOBA, Universidad de Valladolid - with a poster called Developing a cell therapy product in ophthalmology

Fourth prize

Sandra Valle Rodríguez, UAM, Madrid - with a ppt presentation called Pancreatic cancer: Are stem cells the tumor's achiles heel?

Fifth prize

Pablo Suárez, Beatriz Tordesillas y Jorge Santamaría, Ciencias Biológicas UCM with a ppt presentation called Terapia Génica

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